Monday, April 22, 2013

Meadowlark music in the misty morning

Hunkered down in a snow-misted morning, cozy and warmly tucked in, I sit with a steaming cup of java.  It's really not supposed to be this way.....I mean it's the end of April and there are supposed to be daffodils lining beds of moist brown earth, and fine blades of fresh grass sprouting in the yard.  The children are supposed to be playing in schoolyards in only their light jackets, and sunbeams on their faces.  Baby animals should be learning their first clumsy steps in the warm friendly fields, and people should be out for their morning walks with dogs in tow.  But instead, we are forced inward by a sudden frigid bout of snow and fog.  The sky is gray, most trees are barren, and the grass is still dead amber. The only daffodils I've seen looked like they had proudly poured forth their cheerful blooms, only to be knocked into a wilted stupor, laying low to the ground in quiet surrender to the cold.   Little finches crowd our feeder as if they were foraging for sustenance in a barren land, and the sky is absent of flitting mama robins preparing their nests.

I wonder, does your life feel like this too?  Is it supposed to be the "springtime" of your life but you are finding yourself all hunkered down in your soul?  Do you have visions of all of the good that you could be doing, only to have been knocked down by cold, dark times?  Are you like those precious daffodils laying low to the the frigid earth in quiet surrender to your circumstances?  Where are the sunbeams and sprouts?  How does one prepare a nest of dreams when everything seems covered with a cold damp layer of sorrow? I've been there....and I understand.

I gazed out at the misty morning and then turned away, determined to find comfort in my inward shelter.  Sometimes that's hard to do.  But this morning, my comfort didn't come from came from that gloomy cloud covered canopy.  Somewhere, hidden in the trees came a familiar sound.  It was a sound not equated with the picture I was looking at...maybe that's why it seemed so lilting and sweet?  It was unexpected, and it's song broke through the snowy stillness.  The music of a meadowlark hearkened my heart like hope amidst hopelessness. My head snapped back to the window and I was reminded that springtime happenings are all around, despite the unexpected things that stifle.  Beneath the snow, the earth soaks in moisture greatly needed in order to bring forth blooms and blossoms.  Bountiful pine boughs provide cover for mama robins as they await.  And you know what?  Those children, although not covered with natures sunbeams, are filled with Son-beams as they find joy no matter where they play!

We can count on "springtime happenings" even in the darkest seasons of life.  We don't have to surrender to the coldness of hopelessness because deep within the soul we are constantly being nourished by the Son and living water of His Spirit. Son-beams shine eternal hope in a hopeless-seeming world.

The weather forecast says this is all's going to clear up soon.  Remember that will you?  This life is temporary....and all will be clear soon, because with Jesus, there is always hope.  Even amidst the cloudy days.  The time of hunkering doesn't need to be wasted.  Find your Meadowlark Music's song is lilting and sweet, especially in the darkness of the hour.  <3 Kara

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Glove


An old leather glove
worn well, broken-in, and tanned,
work rubbed the softness right in,
and time shaped the glove to the hand.

 Although not so pretty anymore,
it is better than before.
It's better because it was filled by the Hand,
it's better because it was used by the Hand.

Used to grip tightly, and to fix rightly,
used to lift up, and to touch up,
used to hold what was once lost
no matter the cost.
Inside and outside
all is worn....
but all is well
when glove and Hand abide.

Used up?  Absolutely not!
For new life unfolds 
as it tenderly holds
Grace in it's palm.
Light shines from above
soothing like balm
on the tattered and torn,
well worn glove.
“So we’re not giving up. How could we!
Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without His unfolding grace.
These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us.
There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow.
But the things we can’t see now — will last forever.”  2 Corinthians 4:18 MSG