Tuesday, December 31, 2013

"Happy" New Year!

baby smiling



Abe Lincoln

But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.Psalm 68:3

Ever wonder what it is that makes children so happy all the time?  They start smiling in infancy and spend most of their childhood in that state of mind no matter what goes on around them!  They find joy in the simplest of things and their laughter comes about as freely as their breathing does!  Part of their unconditional happiness is a result of their inability to understand the difficulties of life right?  They don't get burdened by life because they live in the moment.  They dance when they feel like it, they sing when a song fills their heart, and they reach out and embrace even the most stoic of people if they feel like giving a hug!  Happiness is what most kids are all about. Their laughter is contagious!

It is a common to extend the phrase, "Happy New Year"  as we begin a new calendar year.  But I know and you know that some days are just plainly not happy.  And as a Christian, I know that God doesn't promise every day to be happy, in fact, He tells us that in this life we will have troubles (John 16:33). But in His next words, Jesus says, "take heart, for I have overcome the world!" He says, "I have told you these things so that in Me, you may have peace".  So what is happiness anyway?  Is it a feeling of bliss and a lack of sorrow, anger, or anxiety?  I don't think that the kind of happiness that God speaks of is the total absence of any other emotion.  I think He speaks of something far greater than emotion itself....something that is much deeper and complex.  The kind of happiness that God speaks of is something that surpasses and overrides any trouble that you and I may have in this world.  It is something that doesn't waver, even in the face of diversity. It is that peace that passes understanding and that joy that comes from knowing that because Jesus has overcome the world, we have too.  We are firmly rooted in Him for all eternity....and the best is yet to come!

We may not be able to shed the difficulties of life, nor should we because it is in the difficulties that we grow spiritually and gain compassion for others, but the key is to make up our minds to be happy.  To commit to look at the one thing in life that we can count as unwavering joy, Jesus...and live in His moments.  Let His songs bring singing to our lips and dancing to our feet, and let His love cause us to reach out and embrace even the most stoic of people.  Because after all, happiness can be contagious!

So, my greeting is sincere when I wish you all A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!