Friday, April 24, 2015

Hazy Sunrise

I've been up since 4:19 am. Sleepless nights come frequently at this stage of life! I learned a long time ago that it works best to just GET UP rather than laying there wrestling with the bed, and wrestling with the myriad of thoughts that flood into my mind. Many times I have found that God is calling me to get up ....and then get back down on my knees to pray. Some of the most peaceful and profound moments are those moments of prayer.

This morning I sat facing the east window of my living room. I kept thinking that the "bonus" of getting up this early is that I will be sure to see every bit of the sunrise. So after about an hour, the sun finally began to peek above the Bighorn mountains and I was prepared for a glorious array of color and splendor! Well.....there was light, and a soft pink hue, but as the light shined brighter I began to realize that the splendor was cast over by a layer of fog. Mist rose from the freshly plowed and planted field and the trees in the distance look like blurry shadows of darkness in the morning light. I won't lie, I was a little disappointed......I mean really? If I'm going to get up this early shouldn't I be rewarded with a brilliant sunrise?!

But as I sit here and think about this, I realize that the problem isn't the's my perspective. Do you ever have times in your life that everything seems foggy? The fog of discouragement, fear, hopelessness, sorrow, stagnancy, and fatigue can cover over the splendors of life. Apathy begins to creep in and one day you find yourself wondering where all the color has gone. That's where I have been lately. But instead of the fog being the problem, I am thinking that my perspective is even more the culprit.

I am still sitting here in the morning is now 6:18 am, and the sun is beginning to burn right through that haze.  But even so, there is beauty in that fog. And I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't even notice the blurriness without the light.

The things that obscure clear vision can either hinder us or they can help us. We can learn to see those things as reasons to look more to the Son....look to His burning light that overpowers darkness and fog. The things that try to knock us DOWN can be the very things that cause us to look UP. The mist that rises up from the fertile soil of faith can actually accentuate spiritual growth. As I change my perspective from focusing on the fog, I begin to see that there is NOTHING more powerful than the Son.

 Does it make sense when I say that maybe we should view the fog through the sun, rather than the sun through the fog? Because that's exactly what a changed perspective is......instead of viewing God through our circumstances, we view our circumstances through God.  And when we do that,  His glory shines....and so does our hope!

It's now 6:44 am and I am squinting! The sun is shing so bright that I might have to put my sunglasses on, right here in my living room! Wouldn't that be a sight...sunglasses and PJ's....on the sofa?! My husband is sure to think I've lost my mind! 

Have a blessed day all!