Friday, August 31, 2012

The Climb

She asked me to climb with her, and before the words were out of her mouth I said yes~~because I would do anything to spend a day with her~~including hiking Heart Mountain!  I mean, how hard can it be anyway?  She took her 3rd graders up there every year and they made it clear to the tippy top every time!  It would be an absolute delight to view the whole valley below from the top of this local icon, and I have always wondered what it would be like to be standing right in that spot that I have been looking at from the ground practically all of my life.  So, YES, I will climb!

A day with Christy~~~as usual, every moment spent with my dear friend would hold special lessons and cherished memories.  At the time, I didn't know that in 6 short years she would be gone.  I look back at that climb now, and I glean so many more lessons than even before.

We started walking on a sunny July day.  The path was long and flat at first.  We talked and laughed and bounced along looking at everything around us.  Heart Mountain stood majestically before us and as we approached it's base, it became our journey.  It melted under our feet as we began the gradual ascent.  The walk was easy at first, just like all of our other walks together.  The path was clear and smooth so I could keep my gaze on the friend beside me and the gorgeous mountain ahead of me.

After a brief snack in the grove of Aspens we set off for the actual climb.  The path got steep very quickly and the talking slowed to more brief sentences in order to make room for the increased need to breathe!  Christy always said that the key to climbing was to maintain a slow and steady pace. That's how she tackled her own steep climb~~~her walk with Cancer. As I walked with her through her illness, I found myself feeling almost like I did when we did the Heart Mountain climb together~~~following her lead, but wondering at times if I was going to lose my very breath before it was over.

 Christy was a practiced backpacker and hiker and I trusted her to lead me safely up the path. I followed her steps carefully, finding my eyes on the path far more than before. In fact, I think I was focusing too much on the path because I was starting to wonder if I really was going to make it to the top~~~this was steep and hard!  The path was narrow and twisty with big jagged stones to dodge.  In some spots the sandy gravel caused our feet to slide, so our footing placement was very important and purposeful.  I kept wondering if this all was really worth it, but then I would look up and see that indeed, we were getting closer and closer to the sky and farther and farther from the ground.  We were making good progress despite my pounding heart and heaving breath.

Christy was confident because she had been on this path many times before.  She knew right where to go.  Her eyes were accustomed to scanning back and forth between the rocky path and the top of the mountain.  She kept the ground and the sky in constant view.  I, however, could only focus on the path, my breathing, and the leading of my friend.

 When I look back through my friendship with Christy, I see how God used this hike as a metaphor to follow.  He knew what was coming~~~He knew the journey ahead~~~but He also knew that together, we would trudge, one encouraging the other and back again.  When we are in the midst of something hard, He gives us people to follow and people to encourage us, but it's never just a one-sided thing.  He uses every situation to it's maximum by teaching all who are involved some very precious lessons. We learn from each other, and together we journey along, and all the while we are getting closer and closer to the top~~~to the eternal view of things.  Christy journeyed through her Cancer with one eye on the path, and one on eternity. She lived every single moment purposefully.  There were big obstacles to dodge, breathless days when her abdomen was so full of fluid that her lungs were unable to fully expand, and the sandy ground of fatigue that threatened to cause her to backslide.  But because of her steady and purposeful living, she walked victoriously upright and led with honor.

I can still remember rounding that last corner and her saying, "We are almost there Kara!"  I can still remember the awe that I felt as I made it to the top and saw what was waiting for me!  Speechless for a moment, I stood and just shook my head.  Who woulda thought that anything could be so beautiful?  And it was right in my midst all of my life!  The thing is, I never had this perspective before.  In fact, I never even knew there could be a perspective like this!  The panoramic view from up top gave me understanding of how the land was laid out~~~~everything seemed to make sense.
Reaching the Top

By some amazing blessing, the wind was not bad that day, so we were able to sit awhile and talk, and listen, and look.  A hawk circled above us as we contemplated life.  One of our dear friends had been killed in a horse accident a few weeks before, and so death was part of our conversation.  We talked about the importance of living every moment as if it would be the last~~~~but not living selfishly.  We talked about making a difference~~~living and loving for the sake of others and for the glory of God.  Living purposefully because of the gift we have been given.

God grew Christy through the last of her journey on earth, just as He grew all who loved her.  He blessed us by her presence and her exuberant example of living well, and He blessed her with His constant comfort and presence and many many loved ones to encourage and care for her.  At the end of her journey I was there with her.  And this time, I was able to whisper in her ear, "You are almost there Christy!  The hard part is almost over."  I can only imagine what she must have seen as she reached the top, entered into glory, and was able to finally see how God laid everything out perfectly in her life and how everything makes perfect sense.  I can only imagine what it must be like to finally get to view not only creation, but the true Creator Himself, and to hear Him say, "Well done my child. You lived with love, and purpose and used your gifts well."

I'm learning that the journey isn't all about the path, it's about where we are going. In order to keep a slow and steady pace through life, we have to know where we are going.  We have to know that there is more than the tough things under our feet and the long climb ahead of us.  We have to know that we are not alone.  And we have to know that there is a purpose for our existence.  We were created for a reason and when we know the Creator Himself, we have a constant companion to guide us through those twisty, narrow, rocky, exhausting times in life and lead us on to glory.  Instead of just living, He calls us to LIVE WELL.

"If you make the Most High your dwelling~~~He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;  they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone~~~'because he (she) loves me' says the Lord, 'I will rescue him (her);  I will protect him (her), for he(she) acknowledges my name.  He (she) will call upon me and I will answer him (her);  I will be with him (her) in trouble, I will deliver him (her) and honor him (her). With long life will I satisfy him (her) and show him (her) my salvation." Psalm 91:9-16

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

After the Pruning

4 days away from home, 4 days since the pruning----just 4 days, and already the blooms have exploded!  I returned to find a planter full of pleasure!  Those persistent geraniums are covered with bright red and white color and the little mums and petunias are all opened up in the evening sunshine. It's as if
                                                  they are giving glorious praise as their
brilliance shouts beauty and joy!

How could just a little pruning result in this?  Well, I can tell you that it wasn't just the pruning!  It was the sun and the water and the cool of the night that filled the empty spots with abundant flashes of colorful flowers, and it makes me smile!  

Isn't that just the way God works in our lives?  Where there once was emptiness, He fills the heart with hope.  Where there is longing, He gives joy in ways that sustain us while we wait.  Where time has plucked special things out of our midst, He gives grace and colors our lives with the comfort of His truth and His promise.

The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made.  The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.  The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. 
Psalm 145: 13, 18

We don't just flourish because of pruning and pain.  We grow in the strength of the Son and the Living Water of His Spirit, and the cool rest He gives our soul when the heat of trials overwhelm us.   And I give praise for all of it and pray for a countenance that shouts His beauty and glory.  I am a cracked pot, but He fills me with His abundant grace so that I may show His love and grow to His pleasure.

The pruning isn't the taking away of the ones we love, it's the act of teaching us to surrender the tight hold we have on them so that we can trust The One who blessed us with them in the first place.  As we learn to let go, we open ourselves up to the next stage of life and our journey continues as we walk in the presence of the Lord.

Pruning----part 2

It's late summer.  It's the time when things begin to change, and the things that spring had birthed, and long-lighted days had grown, begin to go into another phase. It seems as though this change always involves a surrender of some sort.

Surrendering can be painful, especially if it is something that is deeply loved that we must let go.  Surrendering can be like pruning.  Sometimes there are things that give us no choice but to let go of those things we continue to hold on to so tightly.  Time moves forward without any hesitation.  It doesn't stand still to give us a chance to release things ourselves, it steadily moves on, taking things with it, leaving a bit of sorrow in its wake. Time can pluck the blossoms right from our hearts, and it hurts even though the blossoms have changed.....and maybe even have died.

I pace the length of the porch trying to rid myself of the empty feeling I have inside.  "What will I do without them?  What will I do without her?  Why do things have to change?" My head tells me that there is a time for all things under heaven, but my heart asks time to stand still......and maybe even rewind so I can see her one more I can hear her voice and see her smile one more I can wrap my arms around her and just hold on for awhile.

 The kids leave at the end of summer, and my precious friend passed in the month of September, and for reasons beyond my control, I cannot get past the reoccurring sadness that always overcomes me this time of year.

Did she have to go now?  Couldn't we have just held her a little longer? Again, my heart feels such a tug.

My last chick pulls out of the driveway to go back to college.  I hold back tears until I get into the house and then stand by the window and watch her go away.  Memories flash of seeing my dear friend take her last breath as she went away.  I hate good-byes. Before my friend passed, she said we shouldn't say, "good-bye" we should only say, "I Love You".

 I Love you.

  The African Violet sits on the table next to where I am standing.  I absent-mindedly reach down and give the flower stem a snap and a tug and I pull the partially spent blossom away from the plant, leaving emptiness. Even without the pretty purple flowers, the plant is healthy and green.  It is strong and it has potential for new growth..  I know that this pruning is necessary in order to once again see the flourish of color.

Emptyness fills me as I hear the clock tick-tick-ticking.  I  feel the painful plucking and the tears fall.  But the heart is strong and there is potential--- even in the pruning.  Potential for new growth----new color. Oh Lord, please give me patience in the waiting, hope in the loneliness, and comfort in the sadness.


 Pacing the porch in the morning sun, I absent-mindedly reach down and pinch off an old dried geranium bloom and toss it into the bucket of mixed dead blooms.Before I know it, I am plucking and pinching deadness out of the whole bed of plants. Taking one dead bloom is not, the whole garden must be rid of the things taking up space and crowding out the new blossoms and fresh green leaves. When I am done, I am satisfied as I look at the planter that extends the length of our front porch. Some of the color is gone, but in time, new blossoms will burst forth. 

 The clock is moving far too fast this morning. My heart feels that familiar tug, and my mind keeps saying,"where did the summer go? Did I spend enough time with her? Can't she just stay a little longer? When can we be together again? I shoulda......I coulda....
 I woulda....I hate good-byes."

I grab the watering can and I begin to pour fresh cool water over the wilting pots of little purple mums and peach and yellow petunias. Water droplets glisten on the leaves and slide down into the refreshed soil. "There, that oughta keep you happy for a day or two," I tell the bright little plants. This heat is taking it's toll on all things growing.

I feel like the heat of things is taking it's toll on me as well.....things like too much busyness and not enough God, too much focus on self and not enough on the overall view of things, empty nest.

Monday, August 20, 2012

My Girls

Together Again!

Seems crazy that two, born fom the same body, raised side by side through toddler to teen, and loved fiercly by the one who gave them birth, would all be living in separate places. Such is life, but this Mama is having trouble liking it!

A recent trip to Kylie's, provided a chance for us to all be together before Kristin heads off to school. Seeing the girls playing at the park brought back so many memories. It was as though they were 4 and 6 again, gigglng and challenging one another to "try this!" My heart felt joy, and sorrow all at the same time.

How could it be that this time in life could already be here? I can't believe that i have to let go ALREADY. Oh, how I miss those days of having them near, watching them play, dressing them in matching outfits, playing house with them, doing crafts and baking with them, reading to them, cuddling with them and smelling the familiar scent of their little sweet heads, and then tucking them into bed at night with a kiss and a prayer.

When they went off to college, it was hard, but somehow I still felt like they were mine! Now, Kylie is married and Kristin is preparing to start her career after this last year fo school and probably won't live at home next summer. So the reality of letting go is hitting me like a punch in the gut. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited for them and so blessed that they are finding their own way in life. I love seeing them blossom in time, but a Mama's heart always has that one piece that just wont detach, and every once in awhile it tugs hard enough to hurt, until it is stretched and made more pliable.

The truth is, they were never really mine to begin with. They were "on loan" from God, given to us for safe keeping, to nurture and teach until one day when they would be ready to go out and follow their own callings in life. I mean, that is the goal right? Self talk, self talk! I wonder why this is so hard? A friend said, "i wonder why God paired menopause and our children leaving all around the same time in life?!" I wonder that fact I think that will be one of my first questions when I get to heaven!

One thing I know for sure is that our sorrow is often in relation to our love. The more we love, the harder it is to let go. So......I must love my children a whole bunch! Thank God my son Brennan is still near....for now!

I am thankful for these moments of reflection and memories that can never be stolen, and I am so thankful for children that still love to take their Mama along when they go to the park to play!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Just the next step.....

A Petaled Path

Have you ever had days when you felt like everything before you looks grim?  Sometimes as we listen to the news or discover trials that our loved ones are going through, we feel so helpless and wonder what we are headed into. Sometimes I want to just close my eyes and stand still and pretend that I'm not here!  But then I realize that all I have to do is take the next step. Looking too far forward can be overwhelming, but if I just look at the step in front of me, I begin to see hope.  

We all know that we can't solve the world's problems ourselves.....we can't even solve our own problems ourselves!  We neither have the knowledge or the stamina to do everything that we think needs done in order to "make things OK". The thing is, what we may think the answer is, may not be the answer at all. We just see what is in front of us, we don't see the entire picture. Our ways and desires might not be what's best in the wide scheme of things.  But there is One who knows all.
 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9 

 And He works all things for the good for those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
 We can trust in our all-knowing God.  We can trust Him to lead us to the next step according to His purpose for our lives.  If the path was completely clear all the way, we wouldn't lean on Him for the best way.  Having a partially unclear path causes us to rely on His strength and His will as we go, so that our steps will be in the direction He chooses in order for His purpose to be fulfilled in our lives.  

He doesn't ask us to grope around in darkness, trying to find our way, He lights our path as we go.  Like a lamp, the light only illuminates a portion of the path in front of us.
 "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105  Keeping the light before us requires a constant closeness with God through prayer, reading His Word, and living a life that reflects His love.  

So, when I am feeling overwhelmed by the problems in the world, or in my own life, I try to remember that all God asks of me is to take the next listen and watch for His guiding light so that I might know what I can do in order to fulfill His purpose in the greater scheme of things.  This gives me hope and moves me forward, and soon I am able to see the blessings rather than the problems. It's like the picture above. The blessings sprinkle the path.  If we are looking too far into the darkness ahead, we forget to look down at the blessings before us! 

Lord, help me today to see the blessings you have sprinkled at my feet so that I can be grateful rather than fretful!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tiny Warriors

image borrowed from internet source
I hold those tiny warm pink feet in my hand and I am mesmerized by the perfection.  I stroke the fine creases on his silky sole and his toes curl around my finger, grasping tightly.  I smile.  I run my fingers along each little toe, smaller than tiny sweet peas in a pod, and I marvel at knowing that these brand new feet are already walking the journey of life.....and it must be so hard. 

Lungs heave, limbs flail, and the heart beats wildly in response to the foreign world around him. Bright lights shine above him and voices speak.  No longer is the warmth and muffled sounds from the womb.  No longer is the whooshing of his mother's heart or the endless and effortless sleep. Everything's different now, and there's no going back.

No matter how hard we try to simulate the environment that nurtured him before now,  it will never be the same.  But deep inside that tiny little body is a will to survive.  Along with those caring for him, and that amazing will, he has a chance.  He begins this part of his journey prematurely, but nevertheless, each step is measured carefully and with determination and Grace.  The journey becomes not just about him, but about countless others who invest their Love and care in the precious moments of his life.  Hearts change as  these tiny steps are witnessed, and this time.....this trying, difficult, emotional, beautiful, exhausting and magical time, becomes etched in a way that forever marks the soul. Like the grasp of those tiny fingers, this experience grabs hold of us in a way leaves us better than before.

My life has been marvelously touched as I have worked in the NICU for the past 18 years.  Some may not believe in Miracles, but I have seen them first hand.  Some may not understand why we work so hard to save the tiniest of tiny ones, but I have seen what happens in the hearts of those who love them.  Some may not think they can bear the sadness when a battle is lost, but I've seen God's grace come so near that His breath can almost be felt on on the wilted shoulders of the mourning. And  I have seen lives change as a result of walking the journey with these strong little warriors. A legacy is left in the wake of the passing, and multitudes of paths of others are flowered with the sweet petals of tender love.

I can't help but think about the love of the Father.  Our journeys are under His watch.  As we flail and struggle to survive this part of life, His will keeps us alive, because His will was accomplished through the death of His only Son Jesus.  No matter how hard we try to make this world heaven, it will never be our forever Heaven.  So each step of our journey must be measured carefully with determination and grace. In Him, our life's journey becomes not just about us, but about countless others who touch our lives and about the One who gave us eternal life.  His evidence in our lives is love.  And even though this life is difficult, exhausting, and emotionally draining at times, it is beautiful.  As we live in reflection of His grace in our hard times, others are touched in ways that reach deep into their soul and they changed in ways indescribable.

The path to Him is flowered with sweet petals of His tender love, and leads to our "forever Heaven" where there will be no more pain, no more suffering, and every tear will be wiped away.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.  Rev. 21:4

Sunday, August 12, 2012



A welcoming sight.....unchanging and unmoving. Always the same when everything else seems to be changing so fast. Assurance that I am home.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

MOTHER~mother / god~GOD

Sometimes I feel like this monkey!  I love babies!  
I love MY babies, even though they are all grown up.

That seems to be one of my problems lately.  My babies are all grown up and I am missing being that kind of mother that I used to be.  A friend gave me a good word picture....she said instead of being Mother in big letters,   MOTHER
            Now I am mother in small letters, MOTHER.

 It doesn't mean that I have ceased to be their mother.  It just means that I am no longer the center of their universe!  They no longer need me the way they used to.  I NEED to be a mother. But, as life progresses, things change.  And they should!

That same friend that gave me the advise about mothering also said that we spend the first portion of our lives acquiring things......physical growth and knowledge, friendships, careers, marriage, children, material gain.... But we spend the latter portion of our lives learning how to let go. 

Isn't that what God asks us to do too? He asks us to deny self, take up our cross, and follow Him.  Essentially,  that is what happens as we get older.  We begin to realize that material things are not as important as we used to think.  We let go, little by little, of the roles we used to have when we were younger and take on new roles.  We let our children fly....we see our parents age and become more dependent on us, we experience the loss of our loved ones....
          We take up our Cross and follow Him.

But it's not the kind of giving up that leaves us empty.  It's the kind of giving up that leaves us open to be filled.

Though outwardly we are wasting away,  yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Cor. 4:16

Our time here is temporary.  All the while, we are being prepared to enter in to His kingdom.  In order for that to happen, we are transformed.  Part of that transformation requires us to let go of the things of this world that are not eternal, and take on those things that are.

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  2 Cor. 4:17-18  

Being a mother is a blessing beyond words.  It is a gift.  It is not something to hoard, or something to be a means of manipulation.  It is a privilege to be held in high esteem, and to be carried out in the way it was designed to be.  This means we give of ourselves for our children, and we let them go when it's time.

Being a follower of Christ is a gift that far outweighs everything else.  It is not something to be held selfishly, or something to be used to set ourselves above others.  It is a privilege to be carried out as He carried out life and death for us.  He gave His life for us, therefore, we give ours for Him.

Even though I am not a MOTHER in big letters anymore, I am gaining more and more perspective on the fact that being a good mother means seeing God in more and more of my life.  Being thankful for what is and making Him GOD in the biggest letters of all! 


My friend


She sat there in yellow, light beaming all around herCalmness filled the room and the heart opened wide, spilling feelings and words that were tucked in tightly, not knowing how to be expressed.

Her gentle spirit touches me like welcoming arms of love.  As she speaks, beauty is revealed~~~
      because her beauty is of the godly kind~~a gift.
A gift from Him to her~~~a gift from her to me.

Somehow, everything becomes clearer as she empathizes, explains, encourages, and empowers with her words, His Word, their love.

                  And everything is alright~~~

She is beautiful~~~~
                    She is my friend~~~


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Right place~Right time

photo borrowed from

     Clearing the sleep from my eyes, I padded down the stairs and out the front door to let the dogs out for their morning business. I just was turning to go back inside when I heard a buzzing sound.  Low and rhythmical, like nothing I normally hear, the sound caught my attention, and as I followed the sound with my eyes I saw it.  Hovering just above the brick planter on the porch was a golden hummingbird kissing my red geraniums good morning, as they shared their sweetness with the rare visitor!  My mouth dropped open and I stood dead still as I watched him sample each flower, moving gracefully from one to the other.  I wanted to savor each moment of this sight, and wished that I could record it somehow to watch again and again.  But the moment was fleeting and soon he was off, disappearing as fast as he appeared. 


We don't see hummingbirds in our yard usually.  Sometimes on their way into the area in the spring, and on their way out of the area in the late summer they will "stop by" for a moment, and this morning I was blessed to be there in that moment of time. "In the right place at the right time"......I've heard that phrase over and over again.  I guess you could say that I was in the right place at the right time.......but is there ever a wrong place at the wrong time?  Or a wrong place at the right time?  In God's timing, every place is a right place at the right time, only sometimes we don't see it that way! This morning, I definitely felt like everything was right!  Just imagine what I would have missed, had I gone back into the house.  

The joy of seeing the little hummer drew me outside, and instead of one good thing, I saw many. The sun made glistening sparkles on the lawn as the dew sat on the blades of grass like diamonds. The morning light was shining from the side, creating shadows of cool over the garden.  The chickens were exploring quietly, traveling to the backyard to see what they could find.   The sunflowers in the field had their faces turned east, gathering every bit of the shine..... and so did I, as I closed my eyes and felt the warmth.....and thanked God for this abundance of early morning blessings to start my day!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Living Expectantly

An empty place at the table~~~~empty plate, empty bowl.  Empty Place.  He said he was coming.  He even wanted his special "Fry Bread and Chicken and Dumplings"~~~~I looked forward to his arrival all day long.  I shopped for the food, and I made sure everything was ready, but he didn't show up.  I was crushed.

I remember the day when the table was set and every place was filled.  Hands collided reaching for the butter at the same time, voices chattered about the events of the day, and giggles erupted as one burped loudly and was sentenced to doing the dinner dishes as punishment!  I remember having expectations then of a nice quiet mealtime with children who knew good manners!  And now~~~~~my expectations have changed drastically.  Now, all I wanted was to just see him at the table so I could hear about  his day. 

Sometimes we have expectations of people that never pan out.  Sometimes we get all excited over things that just aren't as important to others.  I think I did that tonight.

It's hard to know when we should have expectations and when we should not.  Expectations are sometimes derived from our own desires rather than realistic circumstances.  I know that it was just one dinner, but it wasn't really the dinner at all that I wanted~~~~it was the time with him.  I miss him so much.  This house can seem so empty with the kids gone.

I read once that instead of expectations, we should live our lives with expectancy. There is a difference you know.  When we live with expectations, we set the standard ourselves.  But when we live with expectancy, we just live looking for the best in things~~~~living by grace. I can choose to be sad all night, and upset that he didn't show up.  Or, I can choose to look forward to the next time, and hope that when he realizes what he missed, he will try harder to show up next time!

Isn't that how God must feel about us sometimes?  I imagine He awaits my attention more than I know.  And I'll bet that there are many times that I fail to show up, even though I have prayed and have made requests that He has honored.  I am grateful that He is a God of grace and He never gives up on us no matter how many times we disappoint Him. Maybe this is how He teaches us patience and how to live a life of expectancy rather than laying down our own expectations of others?

So~~~~I packaged up his favorite "Fry Bread and Chicken and Dumplings" and put them in the fridge~~~because I know he will show up sometime, and when he does, I will be ready!  I am expectant that he will!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

He Understands


images borrowed from (In)
It seems like everywhere I turn there are hard things in life that I do not understand.  I do not understand why 50 year old women get Alzheimer's disease, I do not understand why babies die, I do not understand why children turn to drugs, I do not understand why humans take each others lives in rages of craziness. How can our fragile minds even begin to comprehend such things? 

Jesus said, "In this world you will have troubles, but take heart! I have overcome the world." He knew that we would have trouble understanding the hard things of life.  He knew that we would be heavy in heart at the things that just do not seem to make sense.  He knew......and He knows now......because He promises to never leave us or forsake us.

 I think He tells us not to lean on our own understanding because He knows our understanding is limited.  We cannot trust in the temporal things of the world, we have to trust in His unlimited understanding of the "big picture" of life.  But He doesn't leave us to just wonder and mourn.  Even though we do not understand His plan, He understands us. His understanding isn't a state of is an active work.....He knows us from the depths of our soul because He is the One who created us.  Therefore, He is continually working in us through His Holy Spirit, to give us peace and comfort in those times that we do not understand and is transforming us in ways that we cannot be transformed otherwise. He teaches us to trust in HIM and not in the world, and to set our eyes upon the eternal things to ease the sorrows in the present. He draws us closer as we question, and as we are weighted down with sadness. He comforts us with His love, like a parent does with a child who has felt the sting of pain, and tells us that it's "gonna be alright"......because He knows.....

Over and over again, we will be faced with things that just tear our hearts out and cause us to shudder and shake our heads. But His promises are unfailing and even though we may not understand......He Does

And so, instead of focusing on the things I do not understand, I will have to make a conscious effort to look for hope in the things that I do understand.  I do understand that we serve a loving God.  I do understand that He is sovereign in all things.  I do understand that He is merciful. And I do understand that His grace is sufficient.  I take comfort in these things, and as I am comforted, I am able to help comfort others with the comfort that He has given me.
May you find Comfort in His steadfast arms today